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⭐️✨Pokémon TF Iron Artist - Day 9✨⭐️
~Ziggybull as Mew~

SIGN UPS ARE STILL OPEN! Please check out the form link for more info!

artfight, TF and light nudity, end of thread 

@heatherhorns again

I couldn't just let her get away with turning me into a shark >:(

(The back half of my artfight might have been considerably hornier than the first)

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If a snow leopard furry gets cloned, does that make a sneplica?

re: video games (~) 

shortly after this post, I found some friends who wanted to play.... but none of them have felt like it at all the last 3 weeks.

I am deep into a hyper-fixation that I can't do anything about - I looked at the discord, but... I'd rather learn modded play with someone at a similar level, rather than people who have already done dozens of modded bombs

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gosh darn it I forgot to stock up on chocolate again.... it's so frustrating that there isn't a convenience store near me so I can get some late night chocolate


stands for BGGG (board game geek group), just like AO3

dangit... once again I had great plans for tonight, and now it's so late that I either have to get ready for bed or stay up late doing the things

Regulatory Bodies: “ADHD medication is highly addictive”

#ADHD Folks: “Wait… did I take my pills?"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!