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SCUBA is an acronym for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. What you may not know is that Tuba is also an acronym for...

Terrible Underwater Breathing Apparatus

This reminds me of how we thought bats must have amazing sonar capabilities to fly in crowded caves and not crash into each other. Then someone filmed some with high speed infrared cameras, and found out they just constantly smash into each other

I remember like a decade ago when I was thinking of making a video game (and hadn't quite understood how much time they take), I wanted to make a game that was a fantasy open world game focused on sidequests where you play a dragon. Like Skyrim, but you are a dragon instead of a dragonslayer

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commissions are open!

im limiting requests to three (3) due to my immediate situation


prices start at:

Lines/Greyscale: $5

Full Colour: $20
Lighting: $25

NSFW requests: $50
Lighting: $70

#commissions #fediart #mastoart #furry #furryArt #art #artwork

📝 i can be contacted via Mastodon DMs, Discord (fairydoctor#7206) or email (please ask)

I had an idea for a colorful glittery Vaporeon. Looks kind of mid-2000s-core maybe? idk, gay

#art #mastoart #furryart #pokemon

I just found this video on my phone. I saved it in 2018 for this very moment when I knew you would need to see it. Sound on....

The idea of making any man happy just by showing him a pair of tits is ridiculous. ANYBODY would grin at the right pair of tits.

a humble interpretation.

it's kind of amazing it's taken this long for me to straight up be like "here's my read on a creature"

#kobold #fediart #dailydraw

Adding "lol" to the end of your sentence is an ancient ritual to ward off existential dread lol

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!