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that's what I've been saying this entire time hjskhdajshgasd

nomic: online edition 

like, I want a bit which allows you to browse the rules and connections between them easily - but people can change the rules about how rules work, so either I have to ignore that or I have to account for all possible rule changes?

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nomic: online edition 

I wanna make an online place to play nomic, but it's either just

a chatroom + some virtual play space


something that makes the mechanics smoother, but potentially just doesn't work because you can change the rules


where's my C with ADTs, higher order functions, and no null

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every few months I'm like

"I should make C, but better"

and so I start designing a simple language, and slowly I'm like "ooo I think I should have this, that would make it easier" and I add on more and more things

and then I realise that it's basically rust and I'd have to write a hugely complicated compiler for it and no-one would ever use it

free love means to love without expecting anything in return

maybe you're thinking of shareware love

hot take on input methods (with sources! that I can't find right now because my brain is out of brainergy) 

mice are difficult to learn and difficult to use, especially for people with injuries or disabilities

this is a major reason why smartphones and tablets have gotten very popular - touch input is much, much less taxing

machismo in computers, light rant 

compilers are tools
languages are tools
ignoring your tools might be fun
but isn't actually good?
and if you're doing it for fun go ahead
but that doesn't make you like

if you're a carpenter
and you don't use hammer
i'm gonna be impressed as hell
but i'm not gonna hire you to work on my house
because you're going to spend 10x as long for half the quality

not using your tools doesn't make you better
it makes you a fool

I need to unfollow people for my own sake, there's too much on my timeline.

If I unfollow you, I'm sorry for doing that to you

me: I should unfollow some people, my timeline's too active
my timeline: almost exclusively consists of my friends and people I find interesting and don't want to unfollow

backup comparison 

hecking neat - the second backup only took 3 minutes

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!