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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | Advice wanted 

extra context: this is a standalone release, it's not in the middle of a series or anything

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | Advice wanted 

so today I listened to an audio drama outside of my listening order – it was Trial of the Valeyard, which is from Segment 123 (I've currently only listened to Segments 1 and 3).

So, my question is this: do I review this now, and have this reviewed audio drama mixed in with all the unreviewed ones, or do I review it when I innevitably get around to it when listening in the "proper" order?

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | ✨ Update ✨ 

I just finished listening to Segment 1 (the BBC Radio Dramas)

Not the greatest segment., but still fairly enjoyable.

With this segment, the simplicity of my recommendations is fairly obvious to me – The Ghosts of N-Space is much better than Slipback, but both get a "Maybe" rating.

Both of them aren't quite enjoyable enough to warrant a "yes".

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Also: my zero hour contract gave me zero hours this week, if you can drop some money into my paypal so I can keep my rent, power, gas going it would be appreciated:

mastodon alternate user interface idea 

I'd like a mastodon that copies one thing from IRC clients: the username line.

So there's a line 1/4 of the way across the screen. On the left of the line, there are the usernames. on the right of the line, there's the posts' content.

This would take up much more horizontal space than the current columns, but would save a lot of vertical space and make some things easier to process.

Princess Leia Organa: No! Alderaan is peaceful! We have no weapons, you can't possibly...

Grand Moth Tarkin: *flutters*

Princess Leia Organa: ...Dantooine. They're on Dantooine.

Grand Moth Tarkin: *flutters around the Death Star lights*

Princess Leia Organa: WHAT?

Grand Moth Tarkin: *lands on the superlaser's firing handle*

please open if you are from 

a weird glitch has happenned and I've been forced to unfollow everyone from

you have three choices:
• if you want me to refollow you from this account, favourite this post.
• if you want me to follow from my personal account instead, send a follow request to
• if you don't want me to follow you, do nothing ♥

[Doctor Who] audio dramas | ghosts, afterlife 

So in reality, the explanation for why the Elixir of Life is real is "the afterlife exists, but to get there you have to pass through N-space, and if you get stuck you become a ghost. This formula allows you to merge with your ghost, which means that you cannot die."

Which doesn't feel like a Sci-Fi explanation to me.

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | ghosts, afterlife 

*the actual explanation given is that the formula allows someone to merge with their N-form.

Previously it was explained that N-forms are the forms people take after they die, and the forms that they use as they travel from real space through N-space to the afterlife.

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | ghosts, afterlife 

it gets "worse" – one of the characters has an alchemical formula for the elixir of eternal life, and it works!

Now in Doctor Who, this generally has some kind of sci-fi explanation. But in this, the explanation is basically just "alchemy works, actually", which is really unsatisfying*.

The Ghosts of N-Space is a good story, and a good audio drama, but it doesn't really feel like Doctor Who.

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y'got know idea how hard some of this garbage was, and how little I worried about making it work. So some of it kinda doesn't. It's beautiful. Also support my Patreon because I make good stuff

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please open if you are from 

an additional aside: due to the federation issues, if you've previously accepted a follow request from me, I'll be able to immediately follow you again, without you having to accept my follow

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please open if you are from 

I don't even know if this is showing up in your timeline ::<

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please open if you are from 

please note that the unfollowing never federated properly, so even if it looks like I'm following you, I'm probably not

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please open if you are from 

a weird glitch has happenned and I've been forced to unfollow everyone from

you have three choices:
• if you want me to refollow you from this account, favourite this post.
• if you want me to follow from my personal account instead, send a follow request to
• if you don't want me to follow you, do nothing ♥

SLAP GAME 4 IS REAL and you can get it in like a week UNLESS you're a $5 Patron ( in which case you get it NOW plus like some tutorials about how I made some stuff WHATEVER #gamedev #indiedev

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!