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putting "taken" in my bio but it's not my marital status (i have a particular set of skills)

vrchat selfies, eye contact, the dragon-yinglet dichotomy, an interesting proposal 

hey, so me and za existential crisis over zhere saw you across za bar and like your vibe...

Since Neil Gaiman liked it, here's some more chesspieces from my Gallifrey Chessmen set. These ones aren't painted, but they glow in the dark.

Fun fact! The details were inspired by Time Lord things from throughout the show, and the overall style was inspired by the Lewis Chessmen. Two very important things in my childhood.


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Half Life 1 is temporarily free on steam and got a big 25th anniversary update, so claim it if you don't already have it

Here we see Romana thinking "either this guy is in a costume or I have made an error"

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I love that she starts the story with this flashy outfitsaying "it's the current fashion trend on Tara", and then everyone on Tara is wearing medieval clothes

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Thinking about Romana's fantastic outfit from Androids of Tara again....

boost if you are out of bounds and need help coming back in
fav if you're fine as is, thank you very much

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!