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Did a little speedpaint thing last night in SAI using my mouse.


I kinda want to try spending time with peeps in vr chat again, but.... most of the safe groups I know of meet at the wrong time of day (darn timezones!)
and the last time I tried playing in public worlds, it was just horrible

Found a fun moral panic from 1712 about beautiful poetry corrupting the Youths, and wanted to share it with everyone as a late-night treat.

"the elegance of expression and… those other bewitching beauties, which attend good poetry, might insensibly instill the Poison into the minds of unthinking people; especially of the Youth, whose imagination is generally too strong for their reason, and their fancy too powerful for their judgement."

re: ballisticNG (potential eyestrain) 

Wyvern leaving sparks in its wake

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my WORMS folder on my coputer is so huge... 4.5 wrigglebytes

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!