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someday I hope I will feel comfy with the idea of playing a video game

me whenever I see a big tower: oh nice slay the spire reference

you know, i zhink she came out really pretty. maybe ill do somezhing wizh her. if she gets a name anyway.

i assume she's some kind of oracle figure somewhere. pondering zhat orb all day, giving out zhe wisdoms

Eye Contact 

i zhought about making zhem use psychic powers to tf someone else into an eeveeying, but i wasted so much time, i went wizh somezhing simpler. maybe later?

for now, you, zhe viewer, can be a ying! how lovely!

missing folks from here... it's been so long since we've talked...

doctor who (2005), S13E8 quote 

-- slox 🦊

"don't let the swords touch your skin"

I'm no longer extremely socially anxious too, so maybe I could play in a server with folks...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!