
omg the new ultrakill revamp is SO GOOD

the new versions of the Prelude levels are just INCREDIBLY high quality - they feel thematically linked, and there's all these little details that really really enhance the feel of the place.

And the new death screen!!!! it's so punchy and intense!
And like.... I *thought* I would miss the time-slows-down effect that happened with the previous death screen, but having now played with this new death screen??? it FEELS so much better

someday I hope I will feel comfy with the idea of playing a video game

me whenever I see a big tower: oh nice slay the spire reference

you know, i zhink she came out really pretty. maybe ill do somezhing wizh her. if she gets a name anyway.

i assume she's some kind of oracle figure somewhere. pondering zhat orb all day, giving out zhe wisdoms

Eye Contact 

i zhought about making zhem use psychic powers to tf someone else into an eeveeying, but i wasted so much time, i went wizh somezhing simpler. maybe later?

for now, you, zhe viewer, can be a ying! how lovely!

missing folks from here... it's been so long since we've talked...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!