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Meta drama 

Ok so let's get a few things straight.

1. "Big admins" complaining about the community being pissed at them for meeting with meta under NDA is their fault and their fault only. Some admin blocking for being vocal about this is bullcrap. If you could not anticipate the fact that bragging on Mastodon about having a secret private meeting with Meta would spark anger, that's on you. Isn't the first rule of NDA "do not talk about NDA", by the way ?

2. Meta has no good intentions, they don't plan on "playing nice" with smaller actors. Thinking otherwise is very naive. They plan on nipping potential competitors in the bud and make a profit. If they cared about anything else than big players and their user base and wanted to embrace the Fediverse as a concept, they would not discuss their plans only with big actors behing closed doors would they? They're trying to "join" a community that identifies as a healthy alternative to them and start with an NDA. What. Could. Go. Wrong.

3. Meta is the company that allowed meddling with elections. They're the company that slowly removed from your timeline everything you loved to replace it with things they think you would be stupid enough to click on. They're a company that followed suit with Musk's "premium verification" concept to propose a similar product. There is NO REASON to trust meta and "wait and see". We ALREADY KNOW that Meta is evil and have had proof over and over.

4. How arrogant do you have to be to think that once you allowed a company like Meta in your garden, you could reverse everything and undo any harm they're doing with "just 2 clicks" (sic) ? This is hubris.

Block Meta. "Big admins", in their arrogance, are playing a very dangerous game for all of us and they did not consult the community before doing so, which is kind of telling as well.

#BlockMeta #SaveTheFediverse

It’s like the US is the same country with the same horrifying problems we’ve had for ages, but circa 2016 somebody enabled verbose logging

@minego Wtf, people are saying that? Like, yeah it's inevitable and we need to move to open platforms but it still absolutely sucks when the enshittification starts.

The fediverse was never going to be a hockey stick. In the end it's more like a katamari. Picking up people left behind by the corporate internet into a messy ass ball that grows in fits and starts, but can keep on rolling past obstacles that closed systems can't.

Its lack of clearly defined shape is at once its greatest strength and its greatest weakness.

@hollie I don't think you did, but I think I'm coming at this from a perspective of assuming that a lot of the things plurals notice happen behind the scenes for everyone (but not all of them; most people probably don't experience frequent switches for example). But I suppose it's possible that non-plurals have less of a defined structure and can define it more fluidly to fit the goals of IFS.

@hollie IFS comes up a lot in plural spaces, and it's cool but from what I remember it had a lot of specifics about system structure that didn't really match up with the experience of most plurals. Just skimming Wikipedia now, it sounds like there's an idea of only one "self" while for most systems I know, all members are on equal footing.

Also, external communication and internal communication model each other. Both should be rooted in kindness. There's a reason our system protectors are also the ones out there supporting people.

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I've probably said this before but I think even non-plurals could benefit from more internal communication. Talk to yourself, out loud if you have to. Don't assume that if you know something all of you knows it. If you want your brain to do something, ask explicitly.

My biggest problem with #capitalism is that it forces everyone's to make money as their primary objective.

Not to provide valuable services for society.
Not to make sure that people don't suffer.
Not to preserve our environment.

All these things are just optional side effects to the main objective of making money, and will be easily discarded if doing the opposite turns out to be more lucrative.

Neurospicy ramblings 

@Sophie Yeah, I tend to just come up with systems to make most micro-decisions for me. If it's not going to matter a week from now, it's not worth spending my limited mental energy on it.

@minego Eh, it's no weirder than the rest of the fleshy vessel we inhabit.

kink (you've been warned) 

I will be traveling to IL by train next weekend for Beguiled, where I hope to learn some things and have my brain consensually played with. I've never taken an Amtrak before or been to a kink con or been hypnotized in person before so I'm excited.

We are not at the end of the useful Internet. We may be nearing the end of the phase where the corporate Internet pretended it didn't feel entitled to your attention and efforts.

Any of these large media sites have been useful in the last 15 years, it was rarely because of anything they did. Usually in spite of.

What a wild turn of events... Yesterday folks at CodeWeavers, along with everyone else, have learned that Apple used the open source part of CrossOver as a base for their Game Porting Toolkit. Apple has provided a Homebrew formula that downloads the tarball from CodeWeaver's servers and applies a bunch of patches, most of which seem to originate from Proton + some glue to make their proprietary DirectX-on-Metal implementations work.

To say that this got me and many others by surprise is an understatement.

stream announcement More BIT.TRIP Runner, probably marginally less stubborn insistence on doing hard stages now.

It would be hilarious if it turns out password sharing was actually *making* Netflix money by being an unofficial form of price discrimination.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!