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World leaders swiftly express their solidarity when Israeli civilians are killed.

But when Israel calls Palestinians “human animals,” silence. When Israel cuts off fuel, food, water, and medicine, silence. When the bombs fall on Gaza, silence.


re: psyche design patterns?? // 

@lioness Technically even having an internal/simulated conversation, as a singlet, is an example of this. -Ionas

re: psyche design patterns?? // 

@lioness We consider ourselves a fully integrated system, if only recently. -Cole

In the absence of pressure, there's not even a need to choose one or the other. You can choose to divide into multiple entities when it's convenient and recombine later. We know a couple of humans that (to different extents) seem to function this way. -Ionas

re: plurality norm premise // 

@lioness I believe this is the precise reason most people in our actual society do not appear to be plural: we frame our experiences to fit with societal expectations, and that reinforces the expected structure. So yes, I think that if that were the norm, most people's brains would take on a similar structure.

So the way I look at it, people already do unintentionally put in a similar "effort" maintaining a single coherent identity.


i have outright deleted a major patchset i wrote for a project under stewardship, which someone else is probably going to write again in a year or two, because i realized the project had a real-name policy, and decided it wasn't worth it. i then lost motivation for the cool thing i was working on that needed me to write that patch

this is not the intended effect of a "real-name" policy, but it is the actual effect. and, as the cool kids say, "the system is what it does".

there is no such thing as a "real name". the concept of a "legal name" is fraught, and most certainly is not what you think it is, or what you are looking for, if you are a software developer. many assumptions you have about what a "legal name" is probably are not true.

consider this: the name on my birth certificate is different than the name on my drivers license, and that is different from the names i am called by my friends. those names are all different from what is likely to be on my passport when i get it, and all of those are different than the name i publish my open source projects under. all of these, in different jurisdictions, might or might not be something you could consider a "legal name". which one do you want me to use when i submit a major feature to your library? are you going to turn me away if i try to submit it as "linear cannon"? why? if i have a website and contact information under that name, why does this matter? how is it substantially different than an author of fiction novels publishing under a pen name? does it change if i produce a piece of government-issued documentation with that name on it? why, or why not?

if your real name policy does not answer these questions adequately, then there's a very good chance i'm just going to assume that you're going to turn me away, as has happened to me several times already

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getting fired from apple for printing out little pieces of paper that say ".DS_Store" and leaving them everywhere


Quakers don't really evangelize as I understand it, but maybe we should? Not to try to convince anyone that our practice is the "one true way" (I don't think it is, it's not for everyone), but to let people know that we all can access a source of spiritual healing, peace, joy, and safety, and if you haven't found that and it's something you want then please keep searching for it.

Poll for people on HRT 

@jaytee I started HRT at around the same time as a lot of mental health work, so I do not know whether it's had a direct benefit. I'd stay on it for only physical effects, but experimentally stop to decide whether to continue for only mental/emotional effects. (I checked only the "Results/leave a comment" option.)

Just got my covid & flu vaccines. Waiting for observation, then eating and another public transit adventure to get home.

If being trans is playing life on hard mode, is being plural a co-op run?

please boost for reach! 🙏

I'm volunteering at my daughter's elementary school by teaching a "coding club" for 5th graders during their lunch and afternoon recess.

It mostly went great, except I left nearly in tears...

One of the kiddos that joined is blind, and I discovered that the coding programs for kids don't appear to be accessible *at all*.

First we tried Swift Playgrounds, but that didn't seem to work with VoiceOver. Then, he said that he's liked ScratchJr. in the past, and he got frustrated with that because he couldn't get his cat to move.

I'm kinda at a loss for how to help him. He left crying because he thinks that he can't get it, but I'm sure he can. Does anyone have any advice?


#coding #swiftplayground #blind #accessibility #apple #ipad

Reminder that the Emergency/Presidential Alert everyone in the US got today is easy to spoof because it's part of an unauthenticated cellular broadcast your phone will trust no matter who it comes from.

Here's the paper that details the attack, "This is Your President Speaking: Spoofing Alerts in 4G LTE Networks":

Also malicious parties *have* begun taking advantage of this, see the recent attempts at disrupting the federal elections in the Philippines via fake emergency alerts.

Everybody's always like, "I'd tell my 20 year old self to buy bitcoin", or "I'd tell my 20 year old self that she's a trans woman", but honestly I'd try to find my 20 year old self a good therapist and a means to pay for it. Developing a reasonably healthy sense of human relationships and social interaction is like 🤯

Say what you will, but what is really the most optimistic thing about TNG, more so than the poverty-less and money-less utopia, is when somebody goes to the captain and says "this weird, unbelievable thing happened to me" and they believe them.

Reg says he sees a creature in the transporter beam and rather than saying "Reg, you well-known anxiety haver, you're imagining things!", they take the transporter apart, twice, to find out.

Beverly says she hears voices at night and has an overwhelming sense of deja-vu, and the captain doesn't say, "my, what an overactive imagination you have! Sleep more and do yoga!", he instructs the crew to sweep the entire ship with sensors, from top to bottom and starboard to port, until they've figured it out.

THAT is a world I'd like to live in.

#StarTrek #TNG

@pop I think we're in a weird place right now. We have binary labels and expectations put on us that we may not want and for some people are very harmful. One way people deal with past harms is by taking ownership/control of the thing that was used to harm them. So I think people are taking ownership of these ideas of gender, and using that to heal, but it does mean that the labels ultimately don't convey any real meaning, as you say. But I think it's silly and beautiful and I enjoy it.

@pop Oh, I guess there is something to clarify: it's about gender as a verb, the way people try to "read" another person's gender and all the weird baggage that comes along with it. The concept of gender is a bit silly too imo, but I don't think it's in as much need of mockery.

@pop I dunno, I enjoyed making it, and at least one person seemed to really enjoy reading it, so I consider the meme a success.

The trouble with identity words is that if your definition is too narrow it'll exclude/invalidate someone. And what does it matter anyway? Why do we need a unified theory of what the heck gender is? Isn't it enough to go with a label that works for us (or no labels) and enjoy that?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!