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capitalism, ai, other shitty things 

If it's like highways (extracting resources creates demand for them), choosing to individually conserve isn't going to turn the dial. We need rules to keep society living within its means.

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capitalism, ai, other shitty things 

What I'm learning from the way investors (apparently) spend large amounts of cash is: as long as there are more resources to be exploited, someone will buy them up and use them to try to make money, however unlikely that is and however unhelpful or even detrimental the product. This isn't sustainable. So I don't blame the power consumption of large models on those who use them, I blame people willing to subsidize the expense, and the system that enables it.

@mavica_again As soon as we're physically talking to another person all our ability to affect or observe the system almost vanishes.

Update: my joke project from last night is no longer a joke.

programming language feature abuse 

Yes, that is the normal python repr (I didn't make my own loop for it), and yes I did make this shell upload itself to github.

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programming language feature abuse 

meh@Deej:~$ python -i
meh@Deej:/home/meh>>> ls()

meh@Deej:/home/meh>>> ls('/').lines()
['bin', 'boot', 'dev', 'etc', 'home', 'init', 'lib', 'lib32', 'lib64', 'libx32', 'lost+found', 'media', 'mnt', 'opt', 'proc', 'root', 'run', 'sbin', 'snap', 'srv', 'sys', 'tmp', 'usr', 'var']
meh@Deej:/home/meh>>> (ls('/')|grep('b')).lines()
['bin', 'boot', 'lib', 'lib32', 'lib64', 'libx32', 'sbin']

The only anti-homeless architecture that actually works is homes.

I've heard that youtube creators for #BoardGames and #CardGames say the youtube algorithm tells them very few women <4%? watch their channels. BUT. Because I mainly watch board game & card game & video game content on youtube, it classifies me as a man and offers lots of beard-shaving ads, even though I have never told youtube my gender (I'm not a man). So the algorithm and stereotyping of these hobbies is self-perpetuating #Youtube

Pedestrians, it should be our right to be distracted. It should be our right to walk and listen to music / look at the sky / cute dogs / snowflakes and not worry about getting killed. Nothing about that is dangerous except for CARS. Don't let them make you believe you are the problem.


I don't feel like playing RERUNNER so back to OG Runner.

“History will ask: What did you do to stop the Israeli genocide of Palestinian people? Have an answer.”

—Rabbi Alissa Wise

Out of our own heartache and rage—and so many more feelings in between—my dear co-organizer of the Jewish Anarchist Salon and I pulled this simple, one-sided, 8.5x11 flyer together for downloading, printing, and sharing.

It is obviously incomplete, as is the work of ending occupation, settler colonialism, and fascism, or the powerlessness so many of us feel to be able to halt the bombing of Gaza and end the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinian people. But as Jews and anarchists, we’re leaning into what we can do, such as humbly offering solidarity toward the aspiration of a world without borders and states, without Islamophobia and antisemitism, and especially a world shaped by collective liberation and freedom.

This flyer focuses on some of the funds that seem to be going far more directly and as mutual/material aid to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, along with the powerful grassroots effort of Israelis refusing to do military service and the ongoing BDS campaign.

Personally, as an anarchist and Jew, I hope we can think and engage through the lens of our ethics of direct action, self-organization, rituals of resistance, mutual aid, abiding solidarity, and rebellious love—until all are free, toward the sacredness of life.

Feel free to share this infographic widely and freely. Once I get figure out how to upload the PDF to some website, I’ll then share that link in my bio. (DM me if you’d like the host the PDF on your website!)


the funniest thing about Apple is the last version of MacOS features "video reactions" where if your camera sees you do a thumbs up or heart symbol with your hands, stuff happens behind you like fireworks in ANY video app you are using BY DEFAULT.

A friend was in an online therapy session, describing his trauma so the therapist asked if he was alright and he did a thumbs up and then HUGE FIREWORKS BEHIND HIS HEAD.

It's so bad that online therapy sessions now start with a warning dialog!

@Sophie Speaking as a system from the self-diagnosed Autism but not ADHD side: I know I don't fit the ADHD criteria but it's been muddy enough that this idea is plausible to me.

trauma, current events 

Since posting this (but not because of it), I've been seeing more people speaking out on the side of peace. It's been heartening. I hope we all can find a way to do something about it.

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Patreon has sent me an email to inform me that:

  1. A creator I support started a chat (with no information on what the topic of the chat might be).
  2. I can't view it on a web browser on my PC but would have to install an app on my phone to see it.

No unsubscribe link in the email, and no obvious way to turn off those notifications in settings.

I'm not even mad, just baffled.

trauma, current events 

It seems like resolving my personal traumas has just made space for watching communal trauma happen in real time, with screams about it in a few places but broadly silence.

Jewish Voice for Peace statement on #Israel vs. #Hamas: "There is only one way to end violence: to address its root cause, 75 years of Israeli military occupation and apartheid. We must end U.S. complicity in this systemic oppression."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!