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There is quite the list of "more common" diagnoses found in the trans populace than genpop:

Chronic Bowel Diseases:
Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS.

Connective Tissue Disorders:
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ehlers-Danlos, Marfan, Lupus etc

(the above means Raynauds as an issue with blood circulation is also common)

Hormone disorders:

Autism, ADHD/ADD.

Some you may be aware of prior to transition, some you may become aware of after in the "oh so thats why my body has always done that". Transition can heighten certain conditions, reduce symptoms or bring them into a new light through different changes to the body or the sudden onset of being in your body and no longer ethereally detached from it as a coping mechanism.

The list above is worthwhile looking through and briefly reading up on, partly because you're going to meet a lot of people in community who have these issues, but also because it may be you who does.

lioness loves attention, social/parasocial line blurring? // 

@lioness snugs -Cedar

apparently the thing about YouTube "intentionally" slowing down browsers with adblockers was just a bug in two specific adblockers that affected multiple sites, per the ublock origin dev


Forgetting to add new source files before committing/pushing and then temporarily not having access to the machine where I wrote them. (I'm trying to get better with setting up gitignores so this is more obvious when committing.)

Interrupting git during a submodule update --init which can leave repos with a branch checked out but all files missing.

git add external/repo/
when I mean
git add external/repo
The first one adds all the files in the repo, the second makes a submodule.

PSA for trans people early in transition, please boost <3 

I don't see this talked about like, ever.

So I'll talk about it.

If you realised you're trans but find yourself sometimes not really hating your assigned gender and being like "meh" to it?

1) That doesn't mean you've been cis all along;
2) It doesn't mean you just imagined your dysphoria;
3) You're not "pretending" anything or lying to anyone, least of all yourself.

It just means you're more tired than dysphoric. Your brain can't keep negative feelings at full steam all the time, which is good. It's not supposed to.

Do not measure your transness by how much you CURRENTLY need to transition. Dysphoria comes and goes. So does euphoria, for that matter.

I went through several cycles of "I am trans. Wait... I don't feel strongly about this anymore. Was that real? No, wait, ARGH, I'm trans. Wait..." and so on, before I started transitioning. Fooled me every single time.

I still experience this. I'm experiencing this today. I am currently wondering why this whole transition thing is such a big deal to me.

But guess what. I know I'm trans, I've been through this before. Doubts that something is true are not the same as knowing it is not.

You will have doubts whether you're trans years after you transition to your general satisfaction. You will. It just happens. You will still be almost certainly happy that you transitioned. That's what being trans means.

If you don't MIND your assigned gender at the moment, but still your actual gender sounds neat, you're still trans.

You're allowed to pause things and recalibrate, or focus on something else. Your transition should go at your pace.

But you haven't suddenly become cis. I promise you that you haven't. You still prefer to function as your real gender, don't you?

I've done this enough times that I need to say it. It's OK. It ebbs and flows. As long as you're not actually *satisfied* with your assigned gender, as long as you have ANY overall need to transition, you're not cis. You may be genderfluid or genderflux or bigender or agender or genderqueer or non-binary. Knock yourself out exploring those (I sure did). There's no penalty for concluding with "nah".

You may also very Very, Very Tired.

But none of those things mean "cis". I'm begging you, believe me.

EDIT: one good way to figure this out is - OK, so you don't jump for joy at the thought of transitioning. Now imagine yourself in your actual gender. Imagine it's all done and dealt with. Is your imagined self repulsive, do you want to *avoid* this? Does the idea of HAVING transitioned fill you with discomfort?

If not, then you're not cis. Cis people are *uncomfortable* with the idea of transitioning because they inhabit their AGAB. That's their entire deal.

Need someone at this convention to invite me to their room so I can lay down in silence and get my social energy back.

Heads up UK citizens overseas! The disgraceful ‘15 year rule’ which disenfranchised you is being binned TODAY! From 16 January you can now at long last register to vote, which you should do ASAP in view of in the upcoming general election, because *gestures at everything*

@b0rk Related: folks often think that you have to choose between building tools for experts that provide a ton of capability & information but are incredibly hard to use & intimidating, or building tools for less experienced folks that are simplified by removing information & capability, rendering them effectively useless.

I think it's a false choice, and that, while significantly harder, we build tools that are useful & usable to both newcomers & experts.

No private person should control enough money to subsidize an inherently expensive thing to the point that it seems cheap.

semi-serious web proposal: any essential web service must support the Lynx web browser with equivalent functionality

edit: for those who don't know, Lynx is a text-only web browser with no Javascript support

"AI companies are implicitly betting that their customers will buy AI for highly consequential automation, fire workers, and cause physical, mental and economic harm to their own customers as a result, somehow escaping liability for these harms. Early indicators are that this bet won’t pay off."

plurality and hypnosis 

We've decided to start designating a specific system member as fronting hypnotee and another as non-fronting spotter (basically keeping the hypnotee safe, comfortable, and reassured). It seems to work much better than ignoring plurality, at least with recordings.

I'm thinking about going through my bookmarks and organizing them into HTML and putting them online. Then I'd just have a place to put random stuff I find interesting.

Last boost: I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you love movies you need to have Kanopy. The film selection is excellent and you'll probably watch a few flicks you might not think of watching.

@mavica_again Based entirely on extrapolation from the proliferation of web apps, I assume HTML5 will grow until it takes over the entire desktop and kernel and x86 is a legacy compatibility mode.

@Sophie We think that not having others in our brain would feel lonely regardless of what external connections we have.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!