I did a write-up of how I do my taxes. Maybe that's interesting to someone, I dunno. https://madewokherd.nfshost.com/bookmarks/adulting/taxes.html
Finally starting that "bookmarks" site I talked about a while back. Decided to just edit HTML straight up, rather than come up with some system to build the site for me.
My thinking is that whenever I go to look something up, I'll leave the tab open until I've added it to this system.
Already finding that providing context for these links is encouragement to write in more detail.
Hello friends! I am excited to (re)share the #mentalhealth project I started two years ago: https://littlebetterzine.com
Little Better Zines are free guides to evidence based coping skills – now expanded and redesigned with new info and improved accessibility.
These are techniques I often share with therapy patients, but I know not everyone has access to therapy. I hope you find these zines helpful, and I’d be grateful if you repost/share the link with anyone who might need them!
Now I kinda want to make this in (self-hostable) website form. But I already have an actual job.
I've decided to run my social/rss/email aggregator that makes a big html file every night so it's basically this. https://retro.social/@ifixcoinops/113839017770017041
repeating the dog photo....
@hollie Yes, Mastodon shows it because it includes it as both alt text and title text. But the post on eilloh.net, or the html embedded in its rss feed, includes it only as alt text so it doesn't display on hover.
@hollie Oh, hm, I put html in my reply and it didn't show up.
Mastodon does this: <img src="http..." alt="text..." title="text">
There are some serious reasons why you still need to be on Meta platforms: it's your last link to family members, or your support system, or you live in a small town.
I wrote about how to stay on while limiting Meta's ability to surveil you or use your information against you.
tl;dr Boring users, who don't generate clicks or behavioral data, are unprofitable users.
@hollie Via the RSS feed or website, text is available only in the "alt" attribute. This differs from Mastodon's behavior which puts it in the "alt" and "title" attributes. The "title" attribute is what allows the text to show up while hovering. The "alt" attribute makes it show up for screen readers, or if the image doesn't load.
Since alt text can be helpful even for people who can see the image, I think it'd be good if they'd include it as a title as well.
Since the old metrics of "being visibly performing work" that were the oldschool way to demonstrate corporate value don't work in remote-work situations,
volume of code commits - the old KLOC style - replaced those as a social signal for performative effort to gain managerial approval.
And that's why llm-based codegen took off so fast - manager-class demanding performance of work instead of actual results, using the only metric they could measure: kloc committed.
So once again, "the thing you measure becomes the thing you do" comes to call.
@freya Dunno if it still works, and it's user css rather than an addon, but there's this from @mavica_again https://maple.pet/blog/fighting-otherkin-erasure-from-captchas
@lioness "finding and exploring a bunch of weird media" is a good dream genre
**All symptoms are solutions.**
That's a mantra I've come to live by.
A fever is your immune system making your body inhospitable to bacteria.
Procrastination and addiction can be us giving ourselves comfort and relief we don't think we deserve.
Workers or community members who seemed checked out are often protecting themselves from a situation they feel helpless to fix.
When you see a symptom you dislike, don't suppress it. Understand the problem it's solving and find a better solution.