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can i interest you in some alphabet stew

@maple background-position, not background-image-position sorry

@maple background-image and background-image-position, it's a spritesheet

Mary :blobpats: boosted
Mary :blobpats: boosted

Oh jegus.

I just thought of something YAML is good for.

Mary :blobpats: boosted

Hecking PATHETIC that Weezer didn't just do a shot for shot remake of the music video for Africa

idk what to cw this but im going to anyway 

@BraixenIRL amazing

@BraixenIRL if you were a fruit what fruit would you be and why @cynosphere inb4 j!spt j!spt j!spt j!spt j!spt j!spt j!spt j!spt j!spt

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!