@BraixenIRL yeah but last I knew you were just reposting from birdsite
@BraixenIRL oh my gosh bri using mastodon???
@em gare gyou gsure?
@SamanthaCayne fren morning
@maple hmmm.... is it a debug cable for the 30 pin apple connector thingy?
It's a TV series which is very dear to my heart, for sure. I would even go so far as to say that it's my favourite. I think it's the best in the world. There are so many things that I love about it.
The cinematography, the performances, the acting. But most of all: the writing. And the brilliance of the craft and artistry behind this once-in-a-lifetime series is never better exemplified than in that unforgettable moment, when the main character looks straight at the camera and says: "Bazinga."
@garfiald Bazinga.
@dr1ft I was trying to do exactly this ages ago except my space bar is broken on the official keyboard so I can't type what I need to in order to make it load from the cd
@drwho @remotenemesis I'm not sure there's really a standard for that now, but we could make one!! My issue with it is just that polling is pretty nasty
@drwho @remotenemesis RSS/ATOM are really sub-par imo...
@jk spherical being from another plane of reality.
@pamela Really the part I don't understand is why "home" makes $2.71, "h", "ho" and "hom" all say $0.00 🤔
If you go to paypal.me/grabbyspace, which exists but isn't active until my bank is linked, and click on the help links? it takes you to the "paypal.me/selfhelp" section.
Yeah, but no, it's called smarthelp. Someone saw this error and registered "selfhelp," and so now when you click for help sending cash to an account in this interim state you're brought to a page to give $2.71 to some random person in Tennessee and I'm *dying*.
@SamanthaCayne @ao nerd
@SamanthaCayne cute!
Hi I'm Mary (or heatingdevice if you're lame). I write stuff in Javascript, use Arch Linux, and draw memey SVGs. Oh also I do the frontend of elixi.re, https://gitlab.com/elixire/frontend