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sometimes, a thing looks pretty because it hides everything that you need out of sight, at least 3 taps away

(I tried Subway Tooter earlier and didn't like it, so I tried other apps which were way worse even though one looked prettier)

(Tusky is fine actually, I'm happy with Tusky)

@pandanouk oh I haven't tried that one yet :) yes, figuring these things out is hard, i totally agree :o

image of big dog 

@pandanouk awwww, it is huge and fluffy and I would hug it! *-*

btw, sadly, to hide an image, you still have to mark it nsfw seperately. the cw function doesn't include that yet. (but hopefully soon

Actually, in this vein does anyone know any good software for wireframing and prototyping a website?

I've been looking into it and it looks like Pencil is an option, but I'm not wholly familiar.

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@AvaJarvisArt i tried a few just now and was the only one where i didn't see a preview., and had one.

Hey #Mastodon, I need your help!
Is there a #foss #wifi map app (preferably for #android), i.e., an app where people share their Wi-Fi passwords?
All apps that I know of are either not very useful due to lack of user base or loaded with pesky ads.
#opensource #freesoftware #floss #fdroid
Boost please!

Okay, I just replaced Podcast Addict with AntennaPod (, mainly because I don't like the former's name tbh. And I think I like AntennaPod at least as much, probably more.

Nice, considering I had so much trouble finding ANY podcatcher app that I liked.

Helloooooo mastodon! Going on a long car trip. Need podcast recommendations! Any ideas, anyone?

Ah, the instances list at has, for some reason, been made less useful. Now when you choose the list, it only gives you a few at a time, and no longer seems to be searchable.

Much harder to compare sizes and the like now. Is there another alternative that gives that information in its place?

Fyi, deutschsprachige Menschis, die auch auf Birbsite sind, seit fast zwei Jahren gibt es dort einen Buchclub mit queerem/feministischem Anspruch:

Die Abstimmung für die nächste Runde läuft noch bis 18:15 heute, diesmal nur zwischen 2 Büchern:

In ein paar Wochen können wieder alle neue Bücher vorschlagen.

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GNU social and privacy 

Would a pull request to GNU social, that acknowledges Mastodon's restricted posting modes (by not posting directly to public timeline and disabling repost button on affected posts) be welcomed?

Or is it a sin to even consider having something be not visible to every single computer on the planet?

Okay but… I might have some extra money soon and I will probably spend it on comic books?

There is so much Squirrel Girl that I haven't read yet. And Lumberjanes.

And Backstagers Vol 1 should exist soon I think??

There will always either be fewer or waaaaay more USB cables than needed, we have to adjust to this at some point.

Random Thought on Accessibility 

I'm not sure if this is possible, but it sure would be nice if we could actually fill in the alt text for images we upload.

This would allow less visual space being taken up by image descriptions and would reflect better how screen reader users actually view images.

"Muggling is hard"
That sentence really speaks to me.

(From Of Leaves And Stars by LadyAmina and irrationalmoony)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!