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bought a new battery for tabby, our X61t ThinkPad

at first was worried it was bad because the battery light was flashing and then flickering, and the OS reported charging but no actual charge estimate and voltage was around 10V, but a few hours plugged and turned off seems to have brought it up to 100% (i'd have expected longer but got impatient)

doing a tlp recalibrate now and i'll believe "3 hours remaining" when i see it but if the readings are accurate, the trend so far looks good!

thank you @chaseahrens for commissioning me for a portrait!

if you too want to be immortalized in 16 colors, DM me!

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if you're looking for a computer grease monkey with over 8 years of professional experience plumbing most sorts of tech, old and new, please take a look at our work. we're in desperate need of an income after 8 months failing to get a job anywhere.

found an ebay seller with these ones which have TTL, RS485 and RS232 which is wonderful, but it's a whole 10 pounds 😬

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is there a single small board like these that has both an FT232 and a MAX232 together to convert USB to true RS232 serial, not TTL?

does anyone have any remaining software/peripherals for the original Valiant Roamer LOGO turtles? Valiant themselves, being mostly direct suppliers to schools and not individuals, haven't been too helpful. we have one, but not the pen attachment, or the serial cable, and i'd like to put it to better use :boost_ok:

Brazil abolished daylight savings time in 2019 and the mandatory system clock app from Google still disagrees with its own parent company to this day.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!