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"dungeon.p8" own composition produced with for the same failed game project aforementioned in this thread

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"combat2.p8" own composition produced with for the same failed game project aforementioned in this thread

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"happy.p8" own composition produced with for a studio making a commercial pico8 game who refused to honor a contract and pay me for the work and then later blocked me on all socials

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dear amiga keyboard replacement manufacturers can we not get these tin plated yet like modern flat cables we all know this carbon crap is going to scrape away in 2 years and i'll have to buy a new one but maybe that's the plan

i actually found two roms, one larger than the other, but so far i can only get the second one to do this

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development documents. this mentions the rom is for both models ("Mac512/Unitron 1024") but i don't think the sources in them are complete

the source i found has several floppy images, but also some folders that seem to be from different floppy images destructively extracted into a FAT type system so some of it might be lost

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this is a screenshot that i believe to be from the Mac 512 retail ROM (it says "Insert the initialization disk" in Portuguese). in trying to locate this ROM (the only known dumped Mac 512 ROM is actually the Mac Plus copy) i accidentally found the Unitron 1024's instead.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!