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mostly logic/behaviour changes that aren't really visible. new "directional" tile type allows for runners to warp back to their initial position

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finally added snare and bass, runners are sprites now, some other changes under the hood

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couple of very minimal changes. runners are now lockstep instead of each having its own bpm (sorry polyrhythms but i ended up not liking that code) and i can erase all runners without having to restart the whole program.

lots of UI to do, lots of things to add. but it's so fun

no it's not discord's fault. this is "X (Formerly Twitter)"'s actual opengraph metadata. they always called themselves "X (Formerly Twitter)", it wasn't others who came up with it out of spite.

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"stop calling it twitter or formerly twitter we get it call it x and move on" friend their own embed cards still call it twitter

house md 4x10 (airdate january 2008). garfield strip july 13 1986. it's the fucking source for the why do they call it oven meme

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!