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here's some shit italo i threw together in 2016 and never figured out how to finish

i fucking hate this folder picker. why do we still have to use it in 2024. i can't paste a path into it

realizing what all the splatoon drawing speech bubble screenshots remind me of

well no idea how i did it (but i know i have a valid backup of that amiga drive, because it's recent and it runs on winuae) but looks like there's a newer fork of win32diskimager that can work with physical drives and not just drive letters

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discord just restarted in the middle of a call to give me an undismissable TOS window i need to agree to before being able to ever message anyone else in the platform again

me: I have GOT to get weirder!

also me when I do get weirder: visibly shaking I'm going to be killed with hammers by everyone for being a freak.

this but unironically and said while in acute introspective pain

if you're thinking about liking this post read my bio first to know that you will be blocked

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!