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i am formally declaring myself married to LEGO Series 23: Reindeer Costume Girl. she is my wife and we will live happily together in lego set 4954

are there any good cat ear mods for sims 3 because all the ones i found are honestly pretty garbyage and the only good one i ever found was for sims 4

no but see it has "official" i nthe url and two (count em!!) checkmarks

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it's 2024 and some peolpe online still don't know about fake corp tumblr accounts lol?

@SomaFMrusty nowhere near an equivalent but the closest i can think of are friends who sell EPUBs through Ko-fi stores

properly defined guides and standards like these are why not only floss but any graphic-design-is-my-passion "material" "design" UI will never beat windows 95

(h/t for more dissertation about it)

@pepper1700 wow edgy joek about popular operating system XD take my internets sir !!!!111 XD LMAO LMAO

@madewokherd now i'm thinking about an FPGA core that runs WASM bytecode, running a webassembly x86 emulator on it. Oh no

@madewokherd now i'm thinking about an FPGA core that runs WASM bytecode, running a webassembly x86 emulator on it. Oh no


That seems a pretty significant area of gaming history to sweep under the rug.

surprises me none coming from the country that still cries over the """video game crash""" of 1983

java and flash made for a more creative web and i think scorched-earthing that was only ever a net negative regardless of security concerns and the only people who think the web is better off now are squares who never set foot on newgrounds or kongregate

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thinking about how minecraft is pretty much only made in java because it started being developed when we could still embed java applets on web pages

@clyde i mean hardware wise, in the early 2000s general stores where i lived were flooded with famiclone DDR pads that all played the same 3 songs

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!