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@Erika everybody's upset at this but me personally i think it's fascinating that a taskforce such as team 0% is how we managed to sift through all the levels and find out this hiding in plain sight since 2017

nowadays you want to change like, i don't know, the size of your icons on your desktop and you have to fight against 10 different conf files ones less documented than the other

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i had angstrom linux running on an hp ipaq a few months ago and that was the most fun i had with a linux system in about a decade

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man i look at screenshots of old linux porting projects (like and it's so crystal clear to me that today linux simply is no longer a fun (or even for the most part functional, highly depending on your hardware and usecase) system

if linux was still freely customizable and quirky like this i would still like it today, imo

@anna o engraçado é que pra mim um monte de gente assumindo a existência de um sistema hvac é "nominho grande" do fediverso de quem eu esperaria 1 pouquinho mais de senso crítico

@pencilears or did you just want to word something in a condescending way? like there are ways to suggest a nap that do not sound like you're talking down to me.

@pencilears explain to me in detail how a nap helps someone who isn't clinically depressed but has a narcissistic manic mental illness who just woke up

@pencilears please stop this. you don't even know me or what i'm complaining about.

abuse playbook  

-ostracize trans women who criticize you
-deny trans women financial support
-express the wish to do violence against trans women because your feelings got hurt
-profit off their deaths after they're gone
-claim to be a victim when someone criticizes this
-mumble something about white people not wanting you to be successful
-get involved in drama of your own doing
-shut down your instance
-come back later asking for $40k gofundme to "make fedi safer"

@pencilears how simple were the lives of previous suicidal people you have met that all they needed was some water this one has tried to join game jams and nobody wants them i'm not sure if you're offering something or what

@mos_8502 that's a drone number. i've done a little nes dev but only c. i have the capacity to understand assembly but no will to. i already did enough programming in my life, if you're asking if i want to be a programmer in a group i would rather not. which is why i emphasized pixel art and music

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!