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it/its pronouns aren't dehumanizing enough

@angela see me too and then you use a different piece of software and it does this instead

are you an asterisk for italics markdown kinda girl or an underscore for italics markdown kinda girl

@merwok but, i've posted in the music channel. let's see if anyone notices

@merwok i joined the pico-8 discord and got reminded by the search function that i quit it in 2020 because of covid denialism and someone arguing "dude" is gender-neutral

raf's self control is better than laura brannigan's fight me

@jame every time i rewatch 20020's "what year is it" i cannot have a normal reaction

we can very clearly chart a downwards trend in our mental health from when day long voice calls became a daily affair for us meaning we were no longer listening to music every day

gotta fix that

long distance sucks

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@s31bz not anything out of the ordinary but the most fun i've personally had with linux in recent years was setting up archilinux32 (not mainline) on a pentium4-era thinkpad T42 and building up a graphical desktop entirely on windowmaker. felt like what a computer should be

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!