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a miserable pile of secrets.

It's a huge pain in the ass tbh. It's so that you can run smol computers inside your regular computer, because developers have a hard time understanding how your computer works and want you to just use theirs.

If there’s one good thing I’ll say about Facebook, it’s that they know full well how blocking should work.

You block someone on Facebook, it’s like they cease to exist entirely. They’re gone. No trace of them left behind. Thanos-snapped out of existence.

More services need to make blocking exactly like that.

Wow... Winamp is open source now?

I mean, I'm using Jellyfin these days but I can't say I'm not at least curious about this development. Hopefully the chiptune situation on linux can get better as a result. #linux #audio #opensource

new on the #linkcache

The US Ruler - Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans? Then this tool is for you!

Your Name in Landsat - Type in your name (or any word, really) and see it spelled using satellite images of the Earth!

Look Scanned - Upload a PDF to this website and make it look like the pages have been printed and then scanned back into your computer, without the hassle of doing it for real. - Okay, so. Click through to this video, and enable loop. Watch it go by. Listen to how just changing the _pitch_ of "The Microsoft Sound" in progression gives it a soothing but melancholic feel. I don't know why this audio with these paintings works so well for me. Calling it minimalist vaporwave doesn't really do it justice. Maybe vaporwave meets Phillip Glass? ...Glasswave. can I coin that?

i wish all my abusers who gave me cptsd a very die and stop being talked about and stop giving me panic attacks years later

meta, Ro + Ra'il, misogyny, discourse about entitlement over womens bodies  

Ro/Are0h and Ra'il are perfect examples of the way that men feel entitled to women's bodies.

Queer men are not exempt.

With Ro, and with Packetcat, you have two chasers who sexualize women's bodies. Ro's sexual fantasy for cross dressers coincides with his emotional attachment to discourse about trans women, and Packetcat doesn't even hide his comments on his main account where he asks various femmes if he can perform sex acts on them. The difference is Ro hides his fetish, and Packetcat does not hide it.

With Ra'il the entitlement may not be sexual, but the emotional entitlement is there all the same. He feels entitled to my photos, entitled to my accounts and to be able to witness the private moments with my family and friends that I choose not to disclose to him, entitled to comment on whether or not I actively post art for him to see. He feels entitled to my right to decide my name and feels entitled to decide that names reserved for those who have known me since pre-transition are for him to use too.

To Ra'il my body is his to pick apart and critique because as a woman I am not seen as having the right to my bodily or digital autonomy. Keep in mind, I don't go looking for the same — I have not stalked his personal accounts, I'm not picking apart his art or trying to find his friends and family, I'm not looking to post photos of him or to discuss moments which don't belong to me, because as much as I dislike him, those are his and I respect his autonomy and digital privacy outside of these accounts where I am made to be public discourse by him but I am not allowed to respond or criticize in turn.

I've long since stopped giving a shit what Ra'il says, or Ro or Packetcat for that matter. I am not interested in waging a 10 year war when we're all going to exist on this space regardless and I'm not interested in this back and forth online abuse for the sake of figuring out who's "right." We've all said our piece and our criticisms, it's time to move the fuck on.

You don't have to respect me as a person, I certainly don't respect yall. But that entitlement over women's bodies.... That's something deeply fucked up. If it isn't me, it'll be someone else. That is for you to unpack, but being the men that you are, as usual you offload that emotional labor onto women. It's fucking pathetic.


somehow the fediverse has managed to maintain the same main character of the day for seven years

@vxo jam handy is my drag king name and my stage performance is storytelling about how chevrolet assures their quality control on the factory line

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!