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@ultraloveheaven i vehemently disagree with the notion that every single personal website needs to be 100% accessible as inflicted upon netizens by the corporate web 2.0

@ultraloveheaven that said my website is entirely navigable by text-only browser lynx and equally unbrowseable by mobile phone because phones are meant to be used for calls

@ultraloveheaven i vehemently disagree with the notion that every single personal website needs to be 100% accessible as inflicted upon netizens by the corporate web 2.0

i fucking hate this folder picker. why do we still have to use it in 2024. i can't paste a path into it

On one hand I think the salt-and-pepper look is hot as fuck.

On another, I can't stop dyeing my hair enough to see myself get into it.

real tired of year after year seeing rotated photoshop text with wavy baselines because people still don't know about switching from sharp antialiasing to smooth antialiasing when rotating text in photoshop

@andrewt i've often said that anyone who uses "a11y" unironically is neither accessible nor an ally

@The4thCircle think so. dont really care for it personally. just stole the image from tumblr

realizing what all the splatoon drawing speech bubble screenshots remind me of

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!