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if you care about disabled people at all, please put whatever money you can where your mouth is, i'm disabled and desperately need my partner with me long term, but that costs money to get a legal partnership arranged, please help

still don't understand what is the social point, what you are trying to communicate, by only liking a post on which someone has asked a question and asked for boosts on

"hey how do i do xyz?" "haha great post man"

this is almost worse than people liking my suicidal posts

and, what terminal software do people suggest? surely one with colour support?

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The UK is going great

Private Doctors in the U.K. Can No Longer Prescribe Puberty Blockers to New Patients

One could imagine even a fork of NetSurf with this only intent. Just rename it as SmolWeb browser + add an option to show just all the crap that was ignored. With a percentage of data used for actual content. “Site is 76% crap”.

Then you can imagine an opt-in search engine where owner enables indexation by having some smallweb tag in the code and submitting link to a form so the crawler can get a look and eventually refuse / abort at the first JavaScript tag.

#retrocomputing #smolweb

Maybe these should come back,
except instead of
“this page best viewed in”
it should say
“this page still fucking works with”

#retrocomputing #smolweb

@lmorchard i didn't play more than about 10 minutes of it but have you tried the outer worlds

mate youve done a game with about 200 polygons per frame and it runs at 9fps on a computer from 2010

@IvanDSM it makes sense once you consider how much heavy lifting the launcher does to talk to a server to grab the files, spoof hosts for certain games that need it... the earliest MSVC that's feasible to support only runs on 7 and up, it's the same issue with WACUP, it also doesn't run on XP

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!