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@jope if you can't register amftp, how is it a recommendation? am i supposed to live with demo version? or is there an actual owner of the code i can send money to? id love to, if there actually is.

"'Queer' not as being about who you're having sex with (that can be a dimension of it); but 'queer' as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and that has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live."

bell hooks

@ShaulaEvans as someone with a lowercase name i appreciate it whenever i see folks respecting lowercase names

Y'know how there's a pattern of behavior where someone says something is bad about the tech industry or community or OSS software or something, and then every single nerd within a 50 square mile radius says *WELL ACKTUALLY*??

I just realized that if, like, even 10% of them just... Sat down and spent some energy fixing the problem instead of insulting someone for experiencing it, we would've solved all those issues by now

@jope i'm guessing in 2024 amftp is cool to pirate since i don't think the people you need to send money to register it are even around anymore?

robotkin culture is only being able to be seen as a robot by the people who want to fuck you, no existence besides being someone else's kink

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robotkin culture is pretending to be human so that people don't think you're a freak and distance themselves from you 💜

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robotkin culture is stopping calling "food" biofuel and "sleeping" recharging because you were upsetting the only "friends" you had left 💜

everybody else either hates fun or doesn't get star trek or both of the above, sorry not sorry i am judging you all 💜

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prideful in being the only being who ever enjoyed the star trek discord finale epilogue

@drwho counterpoint we should not sanitize ourselves for their comfort

robot girl who was raised human and now has to unlearn fluid speech patterns and movement to affirm herself

you go into /comm/tcp and look for ftp and you can't tell what's a client and what's anything else that isn't an ftp client. you're supposed to just know how to work with these things, how to install and run them. all information is locked away in forums where the relevant information and files require registering for an account you'll never use a second time.

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the amiga community is impenetrable and nobody is proving me wrong

@Macross and how do i pick the clients apart from

"FFT program and test signal generator"

aminet is impossible to search and you are no better than linux chuds

can you help me find an client and client that works on a 68020 system

ATC crashes, AmiFTP needs classact (i have MUI installed, so i kinda wanted not to have to install classact as well but that's just me being petty) and rnoxfer needs 8mb ram (impossible with PCMCIA)

it's impossible to use an system without talking to other i find, and often when i try i get a worse welcome than the community telling me to just it up, please me wrong

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!