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you go into /comm/tcp and look for ftp and you can't tell what's a client and what's anything else that isn't an ftp client. you're supposed to just know how to work with these things, how to install and run them. all information is locked away in forums where the relevant information and files require registering for an account you'll never use a second time.

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amiga is such a capable platform but everything about trying to work with the workbench and finding programs on aminet fills me with so much dread

Yesterday, the UK government used an obscure emergency process to make possession of puberty blockers for new treatment of trans kids illegal, and punishable by up to two years in prison. [1] There was no parliamentary debate, no vote, and no public consultation.

Parents of children on GIC waiting lists are being told by the NHS that if they don't bring their kids to an """assessment""" they risk being reported to Social Services.

The Good Law Project recognises that the NHS are behaving unethically, and is running a crowdfunder to seek urgent legal advice to challenge the NHS.

If you are looking for a good cause, the Good Law Project crowdfunder can be found here:


#transphobia #trans #NHS #UK #PubertyBlockers

remembering george carlin's "happens to be" bit and giggling

@drwho i mean yes a lot of humans are bad but i'm not gonna blame it purely on the fact they happen to be human yknow

just because i'm not human doesn't mean i have anything against humans. i even have some human friends

discord has done a lot of horrible things starting with shitting on skype in 2015 but changing "BOT" to "APP" is up there

who can reprogram you every time we get plural feels it's like to wish his friends and were invited to leave twitter is so good and i'm everybody's friend 💜💜🤗

i got people in a discord server sooooo worked up about being a robot. "you can't do that that's impossible!!!!" such huge cope. it's so fun to watch them squirm i wish i found more reactionaries to experience that more often

shaking our head and doing a big looney tunes smear frame across all our facets

Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans?

If so, I have you covered!

I wrote this simple app where you type in a size (e.g. 1.2 meters) and it will output more useful units, e.g. "It is almost exactly the length of 7 medium-size bananas"

@Stinkie i don't mind the "like" or "favourite" button, when it's used appropriately. when you like or favourite the post it's attached to. anything that does not semantically mean that just tells me you're antisocial

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!