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i'm not crazy about the downscaling algo so i'm gonna play with it. i made it full res obv but it's narsty because it was meant to be downscaled

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dicked around in photoshop for about an hour and made a little movie poster

bring back animated gifs bring back marquees and blinkies make the web annoying again

@arielmt there have been some such cases with DJ chicken trouble for me

maybe bots are good at making other bots after all

re: Internet of Things 

@arielmt jesus not to mention the privacy nightmare of putting your documents in someone else's hands

cuz like, here's the deal, okay

i actually sat down and caculated all mutual aid posts that i could find in the span of one hour of scrolling the hash

and the total number of money that would be needed to solve all of them would be around $100k, plus-minus 50k more.

that's less than half what was donated to harris. in mere DAYS.

this is what angers me the most - our pain is completely unnecessary, it's solvable, but it is manufactured by indifference, hubris and bigotry.


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i need people to seriously understand that if you manage to raise 500,000 USD for a political donation, you will be doing massively more good in many ways if you just give that money away, in 1000 to 2000 usd blocks to people who are homeless and need to make a deposit on housing, there is no political donation that will ever do remotely as much good as helping one homeless person get a warm place to sleep

i wish i could see firsthand when my posts get reported cause our instance admins are fucking laughing over it with me

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i greatly enjoy whenever someone vehemently denounces goto in programming so i know to completely ignore their opinion

people CWing their shitting-in-a-hashtag as "joke" or "shitpost" are cowards. cowards

hey why not put your money to some actual good, to helping a disabled woman pay for her new crutches rather than throwing money at a millionare politician who won't notice it at all? hint hint

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!