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@TonicBH the thing that settles me the most about how much of a labour of love it is is that the head developer from lizardcube is the guy who made the MEKA master system emulator in 1999

let me play in your minecraft server im gonna be the farmer and cook for the whole group

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cooking in videogames (multiplayer ones like modded minecraft and abiotic factor) is so soothing. it's a cool way to play support to other players

but no i guess it took arm on the desktop being viable (and intel's stock plummeting to low shit because of their raptor lake blunder) for intel and amd to bury the hatchet and actually make a 46 year old architecture have an actual specification beyond opaque intellectual property

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like, i was just talking about CPU architectures the other week and i could've sworn there was already an x86 association or something like that

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i'm gonna be real i'm surprised it took this long for an x86 alliance committee to exist

is there any surviving information on what to do/install on a nokia n97 or am i supposed to trust youtube videos with gaudy thumbnails and shady google drive links :boost_ok:

you ever notice how easily it is for a trans woman to have their social status quo or even livelihoods taken away from her for what could easily pass as completely understandable reactions in context and how hard it is for the same to be done to people who are overtly bigoted and explicitly transphobic

receipts, no alt 

pic 1 is a comment in factorio subreddit. deleted message is game creator. pic 2 is a few hours later, message edited, original person deleted their message. pic 3 is a tweet made later. pic 4 is a message by factorio creator in an askreddit thread "Which double standard irritates you the most?"

alt text doesn't fit sorry

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Good lord I am sick of seeing supposed queer allies gush about factorio and give the Devs money after they made it very clear that they vehemently hate queer and especially trans people. Thanks for showing your true colours I guess

@jk someone i know was working on reimplementing the circuits explained in that book, i don't know how far he got into getting things to work but this should be a good starting point

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!