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look, stop judging my wikipedia binges ok?


guy who has never taken the time to do anything but read about that guy who died in the Chernobyl


thank you everybody who came to watch tonight, we had a really good time! if you missed tonight's episode, it'll be up on the youtube channel soon!

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we're going live now, come watch!


it's tuesday, that means it's stream night, and tonight's stream is Yakuza Kiwami 2! come join us in about half an hour to beat up some miscreants!


we're gonna be a little bit late as one of us had to step away for a moment, please bear with us!

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it's tuesday, that means it's stream night, and tonight's stream is Yakuza Kiwami 2! come join us in about half an hour to beat up some miscreants!

ah crud i forgot to take my illegal irreversible inhumane experimental hormone blockers and estrogen

yes i could just reverse nat my external subdomain to point to my server's local ip instead of the external ip. but that would require a router that costs about three times what i paid for mine

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i can't access my self-hosted file cloud that's in my bedroom from my bedroom because the proxy in dallas that i use to bypass my isp's incoming port 80 block can't reach the server in my bedroom

cats licking themselves gives me major misophonia 😔😔😔


All registered charities are regulated and held accountable for their actions by the Charity Commission, and from today, this will include the LGB Alliance.



You're outside an antique shop in The Piazza of Paperwork.
A frigid, gentle rain falls with a light breeze and endless streams of vehicles pass by at high speed.



i finally added an "awards" category to the Electric Zine Maker page and i'll keep better track of where it was recognized
i'm so proud of it! thank you everyone who made ur beautiful zines in it and to for the wonderful HTML5 Templates. ❤️



If your 4/20 doesn't include justice for the 40,000 people incarcerated for weed offenses, I'm bored


RT i really want to have more furry friends but when all the popular places are susceptible to *that*... maybe it's best i just keep on being myself and wait for the friends to show up


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!