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slowly realizing these past few weeks how i'm not as functioning as i once thought i were


Don't say high functioning when you mean able to produce without support while sacrificing their own mental health



bonus: since i put it back together, here's the Typestar 10-II in action. although the ink cartridges are no longer made, it works fine with readily-available fax paper rolls


couple of days ago while we were watching the 1981 tv series i thought about making this in bbc micro bot but someone beat me to it by almost a year 😅



the UM3567 however had a more native application... video gambling machines. So popular in numbers in fact, that these days it's easier to grab a new old stock UM3567 than it is to try to source a legitimate YM2413 still working.

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the UM3567 offers a pretty bang-on implementation of Yamaha's OPLL, to the point it can be used in place of the YM2413 almost directly, only requiring a pin conversion and the removal of the original circuit's LPF on the output (because of the DAC)

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UMC is also known for such things as:
- the 2A03 clone UA6527 which powered certain famiclones in the early 90s
- a very cheeky YM2413 clone, UM3567, which *improves* on the original Yamaha design by having a true DAC on the output stage rather than multiplexing the channels

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Set glowsticks to yellow, we’re cheering for Lily tonight

If you like my work, you can support me at and get access to works in progress, previews and extras!



WTF? University of Minnesota was submitting patches that causes security vulnerabilities to kernel on purpose to write a paper. My jaw dropped. Given they are now banned from kernel, they might target other projects.



You do not bargain with the nazis in your spaces. You do not hold polls to see how they feel about being kicked out. You do not cater to the whims of white supremacists.

You kick them the fuck out. No ifs ands or buts.



To pouco me fodendo se o Correios atrasou a entrega do seu fone gamer em São Paulo-SP. Me importo mesmo é com gente que vai precisar viajar pra cidade vizinha pra pegar conta de água e luz, emitir CPF dos filhos ou sacar previdência porque fecharam a única agência do município.


okay but there's NO better feeling than logging into the work slack and being told "you know today is a holiday, right?"

back to recharging! 😴

a lot of people are angry that i exist today, so i must be doing something right


To all trans, non-binary and gender diverse people:

You are loved.

You are (more than) enough.




Though only based on the primitive 68000 chip, prehistoric Macs and Lisa’s could display a surprising range of emotional and social behavior, such as mourning the loss of one of their tribe to capacitor failure


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!