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the reason you think tv was better in the 90s is that because of the way it was distributed weekly along with other programming in a non-on-demand medium they were developed episodically meaning you could miss an episode and pick back up on the next without missing a beat but today entire seasons are made to be binged in a single night like one big long movie instead so you can't pick and choose episodes anymore you only have the big overarching plot rather than a beginning and an end

the one thing that brought me out of a dream and woke me up, rather than all the very normal stuff like living inside minecraft and killing a dragon with only two swords hits, was opening my sdcard drawer and finding two sony m2 cards and trying to figure out where the hell did those come from

ah ha ha we did it

chaining and score multipliers, and a score display, now potentially fully implemented

this has finally reached "playable" status, though there's much more to do before it's "releasable"

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trying to untangle cc65 code we wrote years ago and feeling intensely mocked by the previous iterations who were responsible for it as we futilely try to continue work on this project

pouring one out* for kissinger

* into my mouth. because i'm celebrating his death

hot take but i think ISPs should return to giving every user a couple hundred megs of space on a public facing web server & encourage them to build little homepages. the corporatization of the web really hit overdrive when the persistent web presence of the average user stopped being a bunch of handwritten HTML and random files they wanted to share and instead became a profile template on a social media site

i'm trying to think of ways that i can play ds games and stream them while still being able to play them with the original controls. best i've come up with is using an emulator on PC and something that streams the emulator video to the DS and the touch and buttons back to the emulator but nobody seems to have made that yet. does anyone know of anything else like that

i am, once again, angry* about computers**

* mildly upset

** the general regard for computing hardware and software doled out by people with more societal pull than me

the same people who brigaded for webp and avif adoption under the guise of less storage/bandwidth are the ones who told me "hard drive is cheap* now**" and are the ones proselytizing for the nuking of unattended accounts so i'm like, 90% sure that anyone giving you hardware advice on the internet is wrong

* if you live in the global north

** if you have a disposable income


check this out. gonna show you a really cool trick. (gets killed on the first stage by a roaming enemy while fixing up my sleeves)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!