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the make is printing so many separate new lines to the console for each file for each target platform i wonder if it would compile faster without output

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HOVER.ICO - Transport, Paths &

...Bikes, Crane, Hovercraft, Prams, Tanks, Trolleys

video games were invented in 1975 by video kojima when he tried to make a movie and accidentally added buttons

are there speakeasy reenactments like there are for civil war and ren faires

"It's a great day for golf, and there's no place like Pebble Beach!"

CGA portrait commission of Craig "The Walrus" Stadler for @wildweasel !

he made me look up the wikipedia page for bhutanese passport

"Interspecies" is out! Read the beastly treasures of Dog Teeth's first issue for free, including "Spit," the most intimate & vulnerable story I've ever published.

"Spit" is about lycanthropy, body horror, skeptical allyship, risking detransition, species euphoria, cheap meat, and body fluids.

the reason you think tv was better in the 90s is that because of the way it was distributed weekly along with other programming in a non-on-demand medium they were developed episodically meaning you could miss an episode and pick back up on the next without missing a beat but today entire seasons are made to be binged in a single night like one big long movie instead so you can't pick and choose episodes anymore you only have the big overarching plot rather than a beginning and an end

the one thing that brought me out of a dream and woke me up, rather than all the very normal stuff like living inside minecraft and killing a dragon with only two swords hits, was opening my sdcard drawer and finding two sony m2 cards and trying to figure out where the hell did those come from

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!