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congratulations and thank you everybody who helped!!

@lexbailey and another one is alive and happy after a Z80 swap :)

unfortunately in a bit of a state right now since it's being tested with the wrong matching keyboard 😅

A few days ago, my groovebox, the #SynthstromDeluge, running the new and awesome community-built firmware, crashed, which was very cool.

Not that it crashed, but what happened next: It displayed a colorful pattern on its pads.

That's a stack trace. It's listing the last steps the code made before crashing. The devs are have asked to be sent photos of these, to help them find bugs.

I've pasted it on Discord, and there's a _bot_ that recognizes these images and decodes them into addresses!

huge thankyou to @mavica_again who fixed one of my ZX Spectrums, and is currently fixing two more for me :)
It did a very thorough job of repairing, tuning, and composite-modding this machine that was really showing its age. It now has a lovely stable image with all the right colours.
If you need an old computer fixing up, definitely see if Mavica has some time :)

I am begging people, talk to your artists that you appreciate.

Give them some encouragement. Tell them what you love. Gush a bit even.

If it wasn’t for some random DM in my inbox this morning, I’d be taking my internal compulsion to close up shop a lot more seriously tonight than I am.

Artists are tired, exhausted even.

I am *lucky* to do this as a glorified hobby.

Others’ abilities to get bread on the table depend on coin that isn’t coming in.

Don’t leave words left unsaid as well.

i just want to be hired to do and recommend me chill games for the other robots. im sorry i went on it to all stop and think about how upset i only now realized, i cannot fucking tell the difference between TTL serial and RS232 serial you will be anger directed at a subtweet to many games, but I don't know anybody? it seems like someone would pay a $150k/year computer prima donna. All that AND it’s a killer designer? For real: hire it!

gritty docudrama titled "far away in time: the echo beach story"

having just effortlessly removed an entire dip ic without ruining any of the pads on a 40 year old PCB i'm officially a desoldering gun fan

Not to alarm you about modern software but "emulate a complete 486/120 system and play an MP3 in it" turns out to be one of the more CPU and memory efficient ways to listen to music on my laptop.

what if... video GAYS — now your'e speaking my language....................

i unfortunately have way too many boundaries to be a good sub

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!