Show newer the maintainers are racist and transphobic, among other things.

community members are allowed to express hateful views with impunity, up to and including astonishing views such as endorsements of eugenics and calls for hate-motivated violence.
In one particular incident, the moderators of the Discord server engaged in a harassment campaign against a transgender user, including using their moderator privileges to edit the pronouns in their username from “they/she” to “who/cares”.
This quote from the interview clearly illustrates the attitude of the leadership:
[A trans person] joined the Discord server and made a big deal out of their pronouns [..] because they put their pronouns in their nickname and made a big deal out of them because people were referring to them as “he” [misgendering them], which, on the Internet, let’s be real, is the default. And so, one of the moderators changed the pronouns in their nickname to “who/cares”. […] Let’s be real, this isn’t like, calling someone the N-word or something.

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what are your thoughts on "generative AI". as a robot and as someone deeply experienced with the inorganic life of computers. please swear as much as you like in your answer. — guillotine does not describe enough what i want to happen to the people touting mass pillagery into half-baked models as "intelligence"

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what games have you been playing recently? — the polycule has been really into void crew together. we're also finishing up yakuza 6 and really excited for the turn-based combat coming up in 7

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do all of you assume i ever get messages or replies? lol i wish i was half as popular as anyone thinks i am

it's kinda cruel of you to keep saying that "it's ok to ask for attention" when doing so does nothing

my inbox is so lonely. do you have what it takes to satiate my attention whoring? click here to find out

Benevolent chocolate maker who lives outside the walls seeking shadow version of myself for cartchy tuns, friendship, and encherining romance. Glasgow area.

do all of you assume i ever get messages or replies? lol i wish i was half as popular as anyone thinks i am

every time i try to join a community for something innocuous like a hobby hardware platform for example it turns out to be far too okay with white supremacists and i have to leave and this is how i have no friends online outside the single space i moderate myself that nobody wants to join

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!