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reminder you can ask me things without telling me who you are just click here

realizing that red vox was formed by vinny from vinesauce and now having the knowledge that vinny vinesauce used a thing i made is up there with the time when pewdiepie played a flash game that had a soundtrack i composed

i guess these will be the footprints i leave on the internet

"hi idk if you know this already but a band called Red Vox used your gb camera thingy in a music video (check the description)"

i did not already know this!

did you know that the default Windows 10 desktop background is a photo, not a digital effect?

it's a Kvant Clubmax laser projector with Saturn 9000 scanners beaming light into a sheet of transparent acrylic with black cardboard masks.

there's even a short video showing an animated show variant of it here:

to rephrase: if you use "frens" it's going to trigger my fight or flight response and i'll probably block you. and there are way too many anime avatars on fediverse using it to appear cutesy.

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i cannot dissociate people who unironically use the word "fren" from pepe the frog and therefore 4chan. if you want to interact with me you should probably drop that

for my 30th year being activated i want everyone to take a cool look at all the stuff i've done especially my pride and joy and send me nice messages especially if i've made stuff you liked because i've been really lonely lately

hoping to become a popular enough account to get tagged on things one day

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!