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all i wanted was a netflix machine that had composite out that did true 4:3 since they shut down the wii servers and no android box that has composite out can actually do 4:3

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how do people make emulator machines out of these things

or is it just a linux thing. it's great for video game graphics bullshit for everything else

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hey uh is the raspberry pi 3 really this bad at uh checks notes displaying a window on bone stock raspbian or do i have a defective unit

"do you enjoy being in nature?"

i enjoy appreciating nature from a safe and sheltered spot where my chassis can't rust

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muting other robots on the fediverse who make you feel inadequate is also self care

give me one good reason why i shouldn't be in your podcast i dare you

❓ - i love how other plural people were the quickest to dismiss us for supposedly (they're wrong) "not having trauma" and "not having a DID diagnosis" meanwhile the straightest cis people were so welcoming like "oh yeah! ok yeah multiple facets we totally get that, that's cool and we're glad to meet you!" i swear to god marginalized people are the quickest to fucking eat each other like we're all scared puppies biting each other's heads off to get ahead of each other

reminder you can ask me things without telling me who you are just click here

realizing that red vox was formed by vinny from vinesauce and now having the knowledge that vinny vinesauce used a thing i made is up there with the time when pewdiepie played a flash game that had a soundtrack i composed

i guess these will be the footprints i leave on the internet

"hi idk if you know this already but a band called Red Vox used your gb camera thingy in a music video (check the description)"

i did not already know this!

did you know that the default Windows 10 desktop background is a photo, not a digital effect?

it's a Kvant Clubmax laser projector with Saturn 9000 scanners beaming light into a sheet of transparent acrylic with black cardboard masks.

there's even a short video showing an animated show variant of it here:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!