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we'll be in the uk again in less than two weeks!

if anyone around or willing to ship their retro computers or consoles for servicing to the southwest, we could use the work and our prices are negotiable :boost_ok:

not entirely sure i understand why motioncomputing went through the trouble of using a pressure sensitive wacom screen on the le1700 in 2009 if nothing but windows ink api (its predecessors from the xp tablet edition anyway, didn't get rebranded windows ink until windows 10) can use it and everything that uses pressure sensitivity expects wacom's wintab instead

The year is 2042. You log in to work in the morning. Your various Zoom vtuber clones have attended five simultaneous daily stand-up meetings. You can't really tell if the notes they took mean anything, but probably not - no human has been to any of these meetings in years. Probably safe to disregard them.

You work for a publishing house, so you received fifteen thousand scripts for novels overnight. Your Outlook assistant claims all of them were AI-generated, so you delete them unread. No real way to know.

You order food from a delivery service. Doesn't really matter what or where, the pictures and descriptions are all AI-generated and the food is drop-shipped from a ghost kitchen somewhere. Half of them claim to be McDonalds, but what you get is a sticky pizza bagel.

Outside, the Nasdaq reaches an all-time height.

"actually the world isn't shitty" affirm out of touch online strangers who happen to live in one of the countries actively making the world shittier

classic linux thing that happened a couple of weeks ago, is i was looking up what music players had good visualisations, like the milkdrop kind we all remember. one was a standalone app that could respond to any audio on the computer. cool! so i hit up my package manager. but i noticed something. the installation seemed to require the removal of a few packages and replacement with some other ones. it wanted to remove the audio subsystem on my computer?? and change it to a different one? Linux

the ethos for gemini seems to be retro web revival but it's anything but. if i can't open your website on my pentium 2 windows 98 machine it's not retro

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i think it's stupid for gemini to need ssl and be less featured than html. pick one or the other

FTP is a pain, the available clients either don't work, or are abandon-registerware, or require more RAM my machine can have (despite the ACA620 having 10MB RAM, you need to limit it to 4MB to use PCMCIA) so the only way so far i got it to work was using AmiTCP's ncftp on the command line but hey, i can download from aminet without sneakernetting the whole hard drive over to WinUAE anymore!

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despite the amiga community at large, i have my 600 online doing IRC, FTP and ANSI telnet :D

"Halt and Catch Fire" premiered 10 years ago and went on for four seasons and 40 episodes. @polygon's Devan Suber describes how the beloved AMC show understood the draw of video games better than any show that's come before it. "In the words of Joe MacMillan (Lee Pace), the computer was always 'the thing that gets us to the thing,' a vector for connection, expression, or some other deeper human need."
#Television #Entertainment #HaltAndCatchFire #TuneIn #TV #VideoGames #Gaming

For more stories like this, follow Polygon's TV Shows Magazine, @tv-shows-polygon.

amiga continues to be the most impenetrable computer platform with linux at a very close second

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!