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Hi Internet! I'm Drew and THIS IS MY FACE.

If this GIF has ever brought you joy in the past, I humbly ask you to consider making a donation to the National MS Society. It would mean a lot to me and to those I know affected by the disease!

Donate at

i grew up with the master system version of olympic gold. i didn't find out until like over a decade later that there was also a mega drive version, and that menu title arrangement always sounded wrong to me. anyway here's my arrangement of the master system version more or less how it played out in my head

My brand-new MiniGolf game for Palm OS is ready! ⛳ There's even a full-fledged level editor built in. (All in a 55kb executable!)

If you don't have a Palm, you can also play it in the in-browser emulator.

Nitty gritty details can be found on my blog:

Hope someone enjoys this, I at least had a blast making it!

#palmos #palm #retrocomputing #retro #retrogaming

i grew up with the master system version of olympic gold. i didn't find out until like over a decade later that there was also a mega drive version, and that menu title arrangement always sounded wrong to me. anyway here's my arrangement of the master system version more or less how it played out in my head

So my company has officially announced plans to cash out most of the operation I work for and I'm probably going to either get downsized out or wind up being the last one keeping the lights lit on a sinking ship, which I would very much rather not do.

Anyone looking for a multi skilled RF/electronics/IT technician whose entire industry was just pulled from under them and thrown down the grinder to sell for scrap? I would say broadcast engineer, but that's pretty much obsolete now.

it's astonishing how the only way to edit a midi file is to install a windows 95 virtual machine to run windows 95 midi editor software on and there are absolutely no solutions that work on 64bit windows

i'm the only true transgender woman in the internet because i have equal hatred for all of the programming languages, makig me purer than all of you

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the internet is a tool made with the express purpose of transgender women no-true-scotsmanning each other about programming languages allegiances and the type of socks you wear

flash was too easy to make functionality in so we needed to limit the scope of what runs on your phone so that you can only interact with things that are approved by The App Store (

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flash was too easy to fuck around in so we needed to raise the barrier of entry so that only big corporations could make eyecatching websites anymore

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!