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i don't wanna shit on every single person for whom which cohost was a good thing. you can enjoy things whether or not the vibes are rancid and that's not on you, i think. as long as you're not perpetuating hate like people who still give money to joke rowlings

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the CHIP had all marks of a successful hardware product. excellent (hardware, product and graphic) design, major advantages over the same raspberry foundation hardware of the same time, and mass appeal with the pico-8 collaboration. but the $9 pricepoint was a pie in the sky that was losing them money with every single board. they expected to make up the loss overcharging for the pocketCHIP DIP but most people bought a bare CHIP instead, bankrupting them

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i'm not happy about the internet eroding into the same three corporations over again but also i had a bad feeling about the cohost attitude from the get go (especially their [indirect] aggressiveness against dreamwidth [and other social media in an attempt to pull the ladder up]) that i don't particularly feel bad that their hubris has caught up to them. sure you can make something nice and inviting but this feels like the $9 CHIP all over again. wishful thinking over proper financial competency

this isn't disdain btw. i thought the first one was fun. haven't seen the sequel yet

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coming to america must be one of the weirdest movies to get a sequel like 25 years later, to me. rip james earl jones

can you imagine if this funder decides to now sell the source to whatever highest bidder might want to start a second gab. what a world

computer fairies (est. April 2017) has outlasted yet another social media website

you would think that anyone would have made something similar for the raspberry pi which is the most common of raspberry pis but i think in that regard the chip is still a better raspberry pi

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i feel like this might have been already a solved problem with the chip in 2016 which had a direct plug for a lithium battery and had linux overlays to make it register like a laptop battery which almost every DE knows to report on the taskbar these days

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am i bad at googling now or has nobody made something to make a raspberry pi be properly battery powered rather than "plug a powerbank and guess when it'll die out"

meta, transphobic violence, racism, block recommendation 

I’ve been a good girl, I’ve stayed off public meta posting. but you do not just post about shooting trans women in the head, deny public deadnaming of a trans woman happened by just saying “no it didn’t,” and say that latine people are “even worse” than white people in the same day.

fuck this.

I am recommending all admins defederate as an unsafe instance. their admin is racist and transmisogynist and obsessed with a trans woman he hates, has been publicly harassing her for two days, and now openly posts violent fantasies about trans women.

Hygogg says hi (gogg)
Spent the better part of several days working on this older, relatively simple kit. Took the time to file the nubs down, colour correct with paint markers, and then waterslide decals. Really proud of how far my skills have come.

EYE02A.ICO - Animate, Bodybit

...Brain, Claws, Eyes, Faces, Prints, Shells, Skulls, Tails

the craftsmanship of beautiful code is overrated. sometimes u gotta admire the complicated mind game of reading bad code that just barely works by the skin of your teeth.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!