When cohost shuts down the blame is going to be put on a lot of things. They're going to be described as too good for this world. A plucky little queer co-op that wanted to be ethical and thus capitalism smashed them down.
It's so much more complicated than that. And honestly even my own feelings about it are complicated. This is going to be a long post (probably several long posts), I would almost consider this a pre-post-mortem, this is my feelings on it before it dies to give context to the feelings I'll probably have after.
I don't think cohost set out to run a grift, as much as I'd like to say that. But they also aren't the hippie coop down the street they want to present themselves as. Below is how I see things, I can't promise this is an accurate chronological timeline of events but this is what I've cobbled together from various things they've posted publicly.
- A couple of friends who work for top tech companies get burnt out and want to launch their own startup. Not unusual. At least one of them had already run what looks like a successful startup prior.
- They form ASSC, and post a manifesto, somewhere right at the start of the pandemic (so close to the start that I'm not sure if it was encouraged by the pandemic or not). The manifesto can be summed up as big tech is bad and exploits everyone, and (direct quote) "we think we can do better, by building tools that focus on fair dealing and sustainable growth rather than market dominance".
- Originally they were working on a Patreon alternative, but finding out there was another queer coop run Patreon alternative made them switch gears. Not sure exactly when that happened, but as of the time of the first manifesto, they are still working on this, not Cohost.
- The details get vague on what happens for the next year. At some point they realize they have competition for their current product and move to working on Cohost. But the next Manifesto is about a year after this first one from March 2020.
- The manifesto talks about how they want to retain ownership over what they make, to avoid being beholden to stockholders. Their answer to this is "a friend of ours stepped forward and let us know that they had hit the lottery as an early technical employee at a startup that had succeeded and gone public. the first public announcement we’re ready to make is: we have secured a deal with them for at least a year of operating funding on a non-equity basis". So their funding model day one is, as they say, "taking out a loan, paying it off, and then owning the company free and clear".
it puts into such good perspective how none of the drama i've ever been embroiled in comes even close to all this. like the worst people can pin on me is "she didn't like people who didn't treat her as a friend calling her 'friend'" and "she called out people who sent her private rape threats". it makes me actually feel really good about myself and dispel all the C-PTSD bullshit telling me i'm emotionally manipulative
i don't wanna shit on every single person for whom which cohost was a good thing. you can enjoy things whether or not the vibes are rancid and that's not on you, i think. as long as you're not perpetuating hate like people who still give money to joke rowlings
the CHIP had all marks of a successful hardware product. excellent (hardware, product and graphic) design, major advantages over the same raspberry foundation hardware of the same time, and mass appeal with the pico-8 collaboration. but the $9 pricepoint was a pie in the sky that was losing them money with every single board. they expected to make up the loss overcharging for the pocketCHIP DIP but most people bought a bare CHIP instead, bankrupting them
i'm not happy about the internet eroding into the same three corporations over again but also i had a bad feeling about the cohost attitude from the get go (especially their [indirect] aggressiveness against dreamwidth [and other social media in an attempt to pull the ladder up]) that i don't particularly feel bad that their hubris has caught up to them. sure you can make something nice and inviting but this feels like the $9 CHIP all over again. wishful thinking over proper financial competency
did you know you can commit css crimes over at
you would think that anyone would have made something similar for the raspberry pi which is the most common of raspberry pis but i think in that regard the chip is still a better raspberry pi
i feel like this might have been already a solved problem with the chip in 2016 which had a direct plug for a lithium battery and had linux overlays to make it register like a laptop battery which almost every DE knows to report on the taskbar these days
queer robot squirrelbunny girl, un-retired computer fairies founder (2017-2021, 2024-), drone #6502, official amiga mascot, making a return to upset those who told us to leave., robot, check system link above, meat shell is 31yo, i block underage
i like it when people flirt with me
HRT: 15/11/2015
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