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>looking for an image
>ask the webserver if their .png image is actually png or renamed webp
>it doesn't understand
>pull out illustrated diagram explaing what is an actual png and what is a webp renamed to have png extension
>it laughs and says “it’s a good image, browser”
>make http request
>it's renamed webp

user: "i'm trying to follow the documentation but it must be out of date since none of these options appear in the newest release"

maintainer: "PRs welcome"

can any out there explain to me how a user is supposed to document a system they're trying to find documentation on in the first place

it's a little disheartening when all of your friends agreeing to "i miss [old thing]" isn't followed by all of your friends moving to use the version of [old thing] that is still widely available because the status quo of large corporations running our online lives for us is so impossible to break away from

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chat programs don't have online lists and notifications when your friends come online so you can be excited to go talk to them like they used to anymore

the people blocking me at this point likely don't even remember the story they were told about why i should've been blocked

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i have been treated like shit by the mastodon at large since 2017 and i am done feeling bad about it

if you think our system making accounts elsewhere is ban evading that is your own fucking problem

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"you have a system responsibility not to ban evade" ma'am when half the fediverse i've never spoken to was told to block me by a bad actor, and half those people blocking me on this account are following me on an alt, the responsibility has left my paws

(barely awake and clearly delirious) i put the nasty in dynasty

i have been informed Motorola does have a phone with a pen and that i can now safely feel like i wasted my money on this current phone

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i wish Motorola a very please come out with a phone with a pen so i can get away from forced Samsung apps

a studio specifically dedicated to making knockoffs not entirely unlike the movies and shows offered by paramount pictures called tantamount

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!