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i think if as something as big as the Major League Baseball team Cleveland Guardians can change their name an image, there is no reason why The Second-rate Alternative To Adobe Photoshop can't

"but mavica you are conflating way too many different groups and distributions under a single 'linux' umbrella!" isn't that the point? when was the last time you heard of an 'archlinux' marketshare against an 'ubuntu' marketshare?

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linux will do so much better when they excommunicate stallman and their followers from their ranks

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linux: y no women in our spaces ????? :( :( :(

also linux: our preferred softwares are bitchx, gimp and something with an abortion joke in the official documentation

I involuntarily (cheers @root42!) spent my Saturday on tracing down an ancient Turbo C bug. 😅

The intr() function, used to call DOS/BIOS interrupts will pass the wrong BP register value to the interrupt. BP is heavily used in stack handling, so intr() generates a BP-reload-and-INT-trampoline on the stack, but the BP reload offset it creates is off-by-four.

Fix: Look for the sequence C6 46 F4 E2 in affected binaries, and change E2 to DE.

More details in reply. 🧵

#msdos #retrocomputing

This is an experiment. Please boost.

Here's the idea: This post is going first to my followers, then, if they boost it, to other people. This domain has been registered for only this experiment. I should see in my web server's logs when mastodon instances start crawling the site for info. Then maybe also some curious humans.

I just want to play with my monitoring a bit :)

a sandbox video game with massively increased contrast and saturation. garish mod

Tom Kurtz, who co-invented BASIC—probably the piece of software that has meant the most to me—has died at age 96. When it turned 50 ten years ago, I wrote a VERY long article about why it was so important, and I’m very grateful that he helped with it. RIP.

It's Wendy Carlos' birthday.

I wish her music was easier to share, most of it seems to be out of print and never went to digital distribution. Beauty in the Beast changed my life, it was filled with musical ideas new to me.

social network discourse 

my sincerest wish for the discourse between bluesky, fedi, threads, and the husk of twitter, is this: i want people to realize that no single place will be The Universal Social Network.

I really want to add a "✨" button to all the text boxes in our product and when you click it it just inserts the "✨" emoji

the reason samsung went with exynos for the S22 Ultra in the UK instead of snapdragon it used in the USA is because in the colder climate of the UK it's useful for your phone to double as a hand warmer

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!