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is the only way to decouple blocking procedural js from blocking the DOM really by using webworkers

i was trying to be fancy and using CIE94 to calculate distances in ditherinator but now i'm thinking i should just go with CIE76

perceptual color distance is a fuck

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i think there's something wrong with my code, conceptually...

notice blue blob in the background and how it gets turned into a red patch

if i increase the error diffusion dithering it only gets worse

ironically this seems to be an issue with the CIELAB distance rather than the error diffusion algorithm itself

much to fix before v0.4

here's how easy it is to make your own palette image:

palette images are sampled for unique colors used in the image, in the order they are found (left to right, top to bottom), regardless of image size or quantity of each color

yyyyesssss this will do (we are sampling from the source image for the reduced palette)

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still obsessed with how much fun it is playing with #ditherinator v0.3 and custom palettes with the new luma mapping

@clyde btw i forgot to ask if you checked out the last versions of the ditherinator and if they suit your needs for the gametank!

lol i guess i got it done way quicker than i thought i would

maybe i just leave the web and use only irc and telnet bbses as my only means of internet so i don't have to deal with any of this

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!