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just got access to a switch and ring fit adventure for the first time today and it's nice that it's more encouraging and less body shaming but the workouts are way less gentle too

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has anybody modded Wii Fit/Wii Fit Plus to remove the body shaming in it yet? :boost_ok:

be nice to devs that make art games or experimental games. they’re making it possible so you can shout “go away mom i’m playing art” instead of “go away mom i’m playing games” when it’s time to clean your room.
you’re welcome.

after finally getting some decent flux and picking up the pieces i abandoned several months ago, i think i've finally managed to reflow all the broken solder gremlins that kept my visor eyemodule from working properly

Interestingly, two days before Oracle deleted my account and all servers associated with it, I publicly criticized Oracle's CEO in a viral post for promising dystopian AI surveillance technology to his investors.

What a weird coincidence.

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i have a Sony Mavica FD-71 that's working but taking pictures much darker than an FD-75. from what i can tell they're ostensibly the same camera with the same sensor hardware only with/without manual focus. has anyone serviced these models? is there some aging component that can be replaced to make the pictures not as dark?

could display drivers PLEASE stop trying to set my resolution scale to 125% when i manually set it to 100% thank you

let me listen to nothing but the bass and feel like i'm outside a nightclub blasting the tunes you heartless bastard

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!