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i've updated to the latest available xscreensaver using a PPA so i would get proper screensaver inhibition when using firefox and now the "disable screen saver" option no longer works when manually trying to disable it for fullscreen apps which don't inhibit xscreensaver...


i got credited for it but back then i went by my deadname so i don't wanna point at it too hard but i've shared with close friends

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using xscreensaver 6.02 on ubuntu-mate 20.04 "disable screen saver" mode does the same as "blank screen only"

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i've updated to the latest available xscreensaver using a PPA so i would get proper screensaver inhibition when using firefox and now the "disable screen saver" option no longer works when manually trying to disable it for fullscreen apps which don't inhibit xscreensaver...

my lame claim to fame is that i got featured in the homestar runner fanstuff of the week in 2007

i know i broken in a computer when solitaire appears in the frequently used programs

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oopsie doopsie you need .net framework 1.1 but you already have 2.0 and 3.0 installed so you cannot install 1.1

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i WANT the brightness to dim from inactivity if i'm on battery, but i also want it to return where i MANUALLY set it the moment i move my mouse, not some random preset default

and apparently that's too much to ask of linux

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it's 2022 and linux still can't remember where i left my brightness the moment it dims from 20 seconds of mouse inactivity

can you put those nimh AA batteries with a built-in usb jack into a regular smart nimh charger to charge it faster


In Mexico 🇲🇽 when abortion rights were up for debate they marched to the presidential palace & attempted to burn it down. The Mexican government quickly decriminalized Abortion nationwide soon after that.



Having it/its pronouns rocks during a heat wave, everyone is like "it's so fucking hot," and I'm like damn right.



Blocked by somebody I don't even know because my girlfriend has correct opinions on kink at pride and community policing...when do I collect my award?


dude you think this is my first time being cancelled?? get in line buckaroo

im apparently a pedophile now despite blocking minors on sight on this website and honestly what surprises me more is how long this took

see also "flag discourse", "mspec/bi/pan lesbian discourse" etc


I really hate the term "Furry Discourse" because the pup and feral conversations really boil down to "repeated targeted and intentional attacks on wedge issues by gullible teenagers weaponized by conservatives whose end goal is the destruction of queer spaces." :)


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!