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i am begging people to understand the difference between what is technically possible and what is morally tolerable.

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"there's nothing in the software that'll stop bad actors from harassing you from the fediverse so you should only use it if you're ok with that" is the ultimate "the safest sex is abstinence" and it's wild to me how many people here are drilling that right now

the day i learn to stop needing instant gratification from everything i'll stop posting on social media and just microblog on a sidebar of my website where nobody can interact with it

my website is already part of 2 webrings, the low-tech webring and the fancy fursona webring

i think i want to make my own webring, the "fuck google" webring, with arbitrary rules/vetoing by myself

there's plenty of general-purpose webrings already, i wanna take charge of one in my own means

if you reply to the post above's question i'll consider you for it (and make a better guideline/call for pages later)

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what's your website

no no not your social media account

no not your linktree or carrrrrrrd or whatever either

what is your personal home page

the phone camera isn't doing it justice just how pink my claws are

after rubbing them with acetone to clean

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I've made my first #NewYahoo contribution, here's my list of PDA related sites I've found useful. I will be adding other topics as I find the time to do so.

Gemini: gemini://

People keep bemoaning that kids don't learn cursive anymore.

I say fuck that.

Teach kids Graffiti, but with a pencil.

It's more efficient, easier to read, and better for left handers than cursive.

if we’ve brought back global pandemics, titanic disasters, railroad strikes, a King of England and Russian coups, we should also get to bring back the parts of the 20th century where they had cocaine in the soda and a minimum wage earner could buy a family home

exciting new 4.1 release!

you can now control a sharpness filter that is based on the filtering from the real Game Boy Camera hardware!

you can link your mastodon premium account to your tumblr gold account

webp is only second to avif in piss your pants ridiculous incompetence

oh what's that we need a new still image format? how about one frame of compressed video

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it's so funny when remote instances try to upload webp to computer fairies and it just doesn't show

joke of a format

it's a design so highly sought after there are no less than 7 websites ripping it off

get it while it's hot from the link above and support me instead of grifters

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!