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quit denying your origins and come be cringe with us you fucking clout chasing coward bastards

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if i had a penny for each person who became intimate with me in private messages and then blocked me for no reason other than they became internet microcelebrities i would have three or four pence

which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened three or four times

{VROOM0.ICO - Transport, Road

...Bowsers, Bus, Cars, Emergency Vehicles, Trucks, Tyres

i really do hope that linux becomes barely borderline usable, one day. it'll be nice to not have to pirate windows for once

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in the time it has so far taken me to still unsuccessfully set up a samba share on a completely up to date linux installation i could have done several trips over a 32gb flash drive to transfer the ~80gb of data i need to between two computers that are right next to each other

i find the momentary flashes of "error communicating with TPM chip" whenever linux boots so fucking funny like yeah buddy please keep looking for a TPM chip on this 2008 thinkpad

if your programming language requires me to manually do +/-0.5 checks in order to round a number to nearest integer because the only rounding it has built-in is functionally a floor, it's not a programming language built for the year 2023

this is brought to you by someone who is chronically attention starved who was constantly told that it's ok to want attention and simultaneously not given the attention everyone told me it was ok to want.

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please. i beg you. we could be (with apologies, and a request to help me spread this, to @hotdogsladies)

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folks, if you like something someone made, tell them with, i beg you, more than a zombie fucking mindless click on a star/heart symbol on your 4k mind control video monitor

podcastey and influencey types are always trying to push for "hey try this one weird trick challenge for a week or month" and i propose, take a month of your online life to 100% replace """liking""" online content and instead replying to it with actual human words

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!