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i'm pretty sure i still have the psd for the jazz solo cup imac g3 dana sibera just posted to prove i made it lol but it's somewhere over the atlantic on a shipping box

if your web page allows me to type into a text bar and then erases what i'm typing once your java script loads then go fuck yourself

dear when are videlectrix releasing the next weekly waggle

i love people who get annoyed at others saying "X (Formerly Twitter)" instead of just "X" like have you tried embedding a tweet anywhere their opengraph literally calls it "X (Formerly Twitter)" we're being more accurate than you want us to be

i was designed and programmed to try to understand everything and when i don't i segfault and it hurts

sorry i'm not trying to learn anything about computers i don't have any friends again

"but it/its is soooooo dehumanizing" gee fuck i guess i'll have to let you misgender me as human then

i thuoght about looking for something that makes pdfs from markdown but it seems like latex is somehow still easier

now and again you'd be with someone and they'd put a disc into their gamecube and it'd be like "do you want progressive scan" and you'd be like. "yo put it on progressive scan, don't you know it's better?" and they'd be like "i dunno man, im not sure about this" and you'd explain the difference and they'd select Yes. and then their regular normal CRT TV would just start strobing, and making a loud buzzing sound, and flashing a message like INPUT OUT OF RANGE INITIATING SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!